The Human Rights Commission will hold a community session at Conway Education Centre on Wednesday 1 July, from 10am to 12noon. The Commissioners will give a short overview of their work, followed by an opportunity to raise issues or give your views of their work.
These issues could relate to:
- Generations living in poverty trap, high percentage of children living in poverty in West Belfast
- Long waiting times for proper housing,
- Bad state of housing,
- Rights of ex-political prisoners
- Right of LGBT people to full equality
- Long waiting times to get appointment with GP or dentist,
- Irish language provision and lack of public services through Irish
- Issues around discrimination and hate-crime
- Rights of Asylum seekers, refugees and migrant communities
- Rights of people with a disability
- Rights of Traveller community
- Lack of full educational opportunities for young people excluded from mainstream school
- Rights of older people, care of older people, etc.
And I’m sure there are many more issues you work with on a daily basis that could be raised at this meeting.
Please RSVP to Brenda ( or Clare ( .
Please forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested. Looking forward to seeing you at CEC on Wednesday 1 July at 10am.